Sunday, February 3, 2013

Here is the greeting I delivered on our behalf at the Thanksgiving Service this morning.

Greeting from the Diocese of Western North Carolina to the Diocese of Durgapur
February 3, 2013

“Grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”  Bishop Dutta, clergy and brothers and sisters of the Diocese of Durgapur,  I bring you greetings from Bishop Porter Taylor, the clergy, and your brothers and sisters in the Diocese of Western North Carolina.  It is our great honor to be here.  Over six years ago, we began this friendship, and it has enriched the life of our diocese greatly.  Your commitment to children and to all the people who live across your diocese is an inspiration to us.  Bishop, you tell us that your diocese has gotten ideas for ministries from your friendship with us, but I tell you, we learn so much from our friendship with you and your people.  You show us what it means to be Christ’s church, what it means to reach out beyond our churches into the world.  You show us what it means to build the kingdom of God, one child at a time, one elder at a time, one woman at a time, one man at a time.  You show us what it means to be a people committed to justice for all of God’s children.  You show us what it means to extend gracious, gracious hospitality. 

In the third chapter of Galatians, St. Paul says, “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”  You, dear people of the Diocese of Durgapur, show us what this looks like in the flesh.  You are a beautiful sight to behold!  In a world that makes distinctions, that says some are better than others, some more deserving of honor than others, in a world that tries to keep peoples apart, you show us what it means to be equals in the sight of God and one in Christ Jesus.  You inspire us in the Diocese of Western North Carolina to be a people of joy and possibility, as you are.  You inspire us to cast a vision that is worthy of the kingdom of God and then to dedicate ourselves to bringing that vision to life.  You inspire us with your gentleness to be a kinder people.  You inspire us with your tenacity to be steadfast, to persevere.  For the many, many gifts you give to us, we thank you.  We are able to be more fully the people that Jesus calls us to be because you walk with us as companions.  We look forward to deepening our friendship for years to come.  Though we are half a world away, we are one in the Spirit.  We hold you in our hearts and in our prayers, as we know you do us.

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